When I grow up ...

I'm going to be .... at 51 I still haven't figured that one out yet. Firstly, I'm still waiting for that "magic moment" when I'll know for sure that "I'm grown up" and secondly as I grow and change what I want to "be" also grows and changes. So it's hardly any wonder to me that time spent in January was thinking about career paths and what my next choice should be. My mother was always amazed by variety in my resume - it is a bit daunting - however, I've often thought I wanted to be a "renaissance" woman when I grow up so may that's still influencing my thought processes. Anyway, January is about "Opportunities" and trying to figure out which way to go. This time I'll keep my day job until I'm a little more solid about which way to go before deciding I want a change - new direction for me.
More importantly, I've figured out the design for February. I need to back the piece and do the edging. Should be able to post it in a few days and then start work on March. In the meantime, I'm gathering ideas for April.
Next is to get caught up on a piece for fSA which was due last month but should be completed before our next gathering ---- I hope!
Kathy V in NM